
Total Palm / Trunk Rejuvenation Program

After four to five years on site, many Specimen Date palms will develop secondary growths and molds on the trunks as well as other dangerous diseases or tissue damage. The trunks may blacken with sooty mold and you may notice some exterior wood decay. You may also notice a chronic die back of the lowest fronds and/or die back from the tips of the fronds.

The climate can be harsh and as time passes, the health and beauty of your palms may be partially diminished. Because basic date palm maintenance will not solve these problems, Groundworks developed MagicTouch®. MagicTouch is a specialized protocol designed to rejuvenate the appearance of the palms while instigating new capillary & primary root system regeneration to reinvigorate and enhance total root system functionality. Phase 1 of MagicTouch will act to immediately improve the appearance of your palms by 75% or better. Phase 2 and 3 of the MagicTouch protocol delivers the state of the art in horticultural science applicable to palm functionality yielding palms that express enhanced, preventable disease resistance, durability and longevity.